| 1. | The political philosophy and harmonious society of lao zi 老子评价理想社会的标准 |
| 2. | Civil rights protection mechanism in harmonious society 社会优位下的权利本位 |
| 3. | The key point of establishing the harmonious society 关于改革和完善党内监督体制的思考 |
| 4. | Construction of harmonious society : analysis of new institutionalism 新制度主义的分析 |
| 5. | Construction of harmonious society : macro logic and micro mechanism 宏观逻辑与微观机制 |
| 6. | Build harmonious society , help weak groups 大连市扶助弱势群体工作调查报告 |
| 7. | Taoism and the socialist harmonious society 试论道教戒律建设的发展历程 |
| 8. | Building a harmonious society and improving china ' s 在中国社会学会2006年学术年会上的致辞 |